Local Area SEND inspection 2023 | News centre

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Local Area SEND inspection 2023

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From 11th September 2023, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will be carrying out a three week Local Area SEND Inspection in Surrey.

The inspection will look at education, health and care services for children with additional needs and disabilities (otherwise known as SEND) to assess their experiences and outcomes.

If you are:

  • A parent/carer of a child or young person with additional needs or disabilities, or
  • A young person with additional needs or disabilities, or
  • A practitioner that works directly with children and young with additional needs and disabilities

Ofsted and CQC are inviting you to share your experience with them via a short online survey. Your views and experiences of SEND provision in Surrey are very important to the inspection process.

The survey will close at 9am on 19 September 2023.

Read more on the Surrey County Council website - Local Area SEND inspection 2023 | Surrey Local Offer

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