Weybridge health campus update | News centre

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Weybridge health campus update

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An update on the Weybridge health campus from Jack Wagstaff, North West Surrey Place Leader and Alliance Chief Officer

NHS Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board (ICB) has been working alongside its partners, including NHS Property Services (NHSPS), to plan and create a new healthcare facility to replace Weybridge Community Hospital which was destroyed by a fire in 2017.

We are at a crucial stage of the project having recently received the detailed cost breakdown for the future site and estimates of the on-going running costs. These have proved challenging for us in a highly financially constrained environment. We recently undertook a detailed review of our service requirements and the building design on the new site, to ensure we deliver the best possible value for taxpayers and public finances.

Whilst this did necessitate a short delay in progressing the scheme’s planning application, the work was completed quickly and I am pleased to confirm that we will be progressing with the building design that has been published to date. We will now confirm this with NHSPS as the developers and move the planning application forwards, maintaining our aim of completion in the early part of 2026.

As such, we continue to expect a strong mix of services to be delivered from the new facility, including:

  • GP Practice Services – including flexible space and room expansion to respond to population growth
  • Same day access to urgent care provided by nurses, GPs and a range of health professionals
  • Adult community services –podiatry, continence, treatment clinics
  • Mental health practitioner support delivered alongside our GP practices through our GP Integrated Mental Health Service (GPIMHS)
  • Ultrasound, blood testing and diagnostic services (including space for a mobile breast screening unit)
  • Women’s services – antenatal and postnatal appointments.

We appreciate that residents and staff want the new healthcare facility to be built as quickly as possible and we continue to work with the owners and developers of the site to enable that.

Further updates will be shared as soon as possible.

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